Roller Slat Conveyor

A particularly versatile handling solution that can be used in several sectors, the roller slat conveyor reliably manages to stockpile products.
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Roller Slat Conveyor

The roller slat conveyor is the type of Marpatech belt that allows creating lines with the greatest freedom of layout, and therefore flexibility. It is used when it is necessary to move and stockpile with specific automatisms in complex lines. It is a reliable and flexible solution given the possibility of managing and adding particular and specific functions such as: product feed by units or by batches, with pneumatic or electric product stop, product stockpiling in a part of the plant not involved in production flows, product feed with specific pace relative to a part of the plant.

Suited for
  • tissue
  • dolciario
    Snacks and Sweets
    Cartons, Bowls/Trays,
  • pane
    Bakery products
    Bowls/Trays, Cartons,
  • surgelati
    Frozen food
    Cartons, Bowls/Trays,
  • tabacco
    Cartons, Bundles, Bowls/Trays,
  • non food
    Non Food
    Cartons, Bundles, Bowls/Trays,
  • lattiero
    Cartons, Bundles,
  • ortofrutta
    Fruit and Vegetables
  • fresco
    Fresh Product
    Cartons, Bowls/Trays,
  • cibo animali
    Pet Food
    Cartons, Bowls/Trays,
  • conserviero
    Canned goods
    Cartons, Bundles,
  • cura persona, casa
    Personal and Home Care
    Cartons, Bundles,
  • farmaceutico
  • imbottogliamento
  • logistica
    Cartons, Bundles, Bowls/Trays,

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