Marpatech has been developing for a long time fast handling and sorting solutions for Envelopes, Cartons, Pallets, for the Logistics sector with its modular chain conveyors, Sortech and idle-motorized roller conveyors; Marpatech is an accredited supplier to the main OEMs in the sector.
Cases | Cartons | Bowls/Trays |
Cases | Cartons |
Bowls/Trays |
Cartons | Bundles | Bowls/Trays | Cases |
Cases | Cartons | Bowls/Trays |
Modular conveyor
Cases | Bowls/Trays |
Modular conveyor
Cases | Cartons | Bundles | Bowls/Trays |
Modular conveyor
Cases | Cartons | Bundles | Bowls/Trays |
Modular conveyor
Cases | Cartons | Bundles | Bowls/Trays |
Modular conveyor
Cases | Cartons | Bundles | Pallett | Bowls/Trays |
Slat conveyor
Cartons | Bundles | Bowls/Trays |
Slat conveyor
Cartons | Bundles |
Slat conveyor
Cases | Cartons | Bowls/Trays |
Slat conveyor
Bowls/Trays | Cartons |
Roller conveyor
Bowls/Trays |
Roller conveyor
Bowls/Trays |
Roller conveyor
Bundles |
Pallet conveyor
Pallett |
Pallet conveyor
Pallett |
Pallet conveyor
Pallett |
Pallet conveyor
Pallett |
Pallet conveyor
Pallett |
Pan conveyor
Bowls/Trays |
Conveyor belt
Cases |
Handling solutions
Cartons |
Handling solutions
Cases | Cartons | Bowls/Trays |
Handling solutions
Cases |
Handling solutions
Cases | Cartons |
Handling solutions
Cartons |
Handling solutions
Cases |
Handling solutions
Cartons |
Accessory Solutions
Cartons |
Accessory Solutions
Cartons |
Accessory Solutions
Pallett | Bowls/Trays |
Accessory Solutions
Bundles | Bowls/Trays | Cases | Cartons |
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